Organizational Coaching & Consulting


You are a non-profit executive looking to purposefully develop the next generation of women leaders for your organization.

Have you recruited strong young women professionals, and realize they may face challenges in the workplace, such as:

  • Struggling with age and other hierarchies

  • Sensing that their voices are not heard in the debate around diversity and inclusion

  • Worrying that they don’t experience a sense of belonging to the organization

  • Experiencing a lack of connection with their team/the organization due to working at home

  • Feeling passionate about the organization’s mission yet struggling with high levels of stress

  • Expressing concerns about long hours or demands on their work-life balance

  • Experiencing apprehension about growth opportunities and their career track

If some or all of these issues resonate, your organization is not alone. 


My coaching experience—echoed by a range of studies and experts —shows that many young women professionals around the world struggle with one or more of these challenges, impacting their work motivation, organizational commitment and growth trajectory.

Women, Black, Asian, and people from minority ethnic backgrounds, LGBTQ+ and people with disabilities are still underrepresented in nonprofit leadership, including in international development. While many nonprofits are already investing in their current senior leaders through training and coaching, it is time to significantly increase resources for growing a generation of more diverse global nonprofit leaders.

Work with me to make a strong long-term investment in deliberately growing a diverse group of emerging women leaders in your organization. 

Investing in leadership growth initiates a process for individual and
collective transformation.

My individual coaching as well as my group/team coaching and workshops are tailormade and create win-win situations for emerging women leaders and their whole organization. What sets me apart as a leadership coach, is my experience in international health and development, combined with core energy coaching and mindfulness. 


Depending on your organizational needs, the coaching and support program for emerging leaders may include:

  • Assessing the specific individual and team coaching needs

  • Identifying and initiating broader systemic organizational changes to support emerging women leaders’ growth

  • Rolling out a coaching program that may include:

    • The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) assessment (for individuals and/or teams) developed by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC). This research-backed assessment serves as a basis for individual and team growth goals

    • Strengthening leadership self-awareness

    • Defining and fully expressing core personal and organizational values

    • Creating an empowering mindset, including harnessing mental strengths for decision-making and idea generation

    • Setting and keeping boundaries in managing self and a team

    • Communicating confidently about complex and sensitive issues across age and hierarchy


Connect with me for an exploratory call.

Book your complimentary strategy call here.